Message from His Excellency General the Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (RET’D)
As Patron of New South Wales Police Legacy, I am honoured to be associated with the Child Safety Handbook.
Making New South Wales a better and safer place for our children is a responsibility for the whole community.
This handbook includes everything we need as a community to protect our most valuable and vulnerable resource – our children. From preventative measures at home to safety outdoors, from cyber safety to dealing with peer presures, this handbook is a resource for every family, school community organisation.
I applaud New South Wales Police Legacy on its continuing commtment to child safety.
General The Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Ret’d)
Governor of New South Wales

Foreword by NSW Premier
There is no higher priority than protecting our children, and because of this, I am very proud to support NSW Police Legacy’s Child Safety Handbook.
The greatest tool available to combat youth vulnerability is through knowledge. The Child Safety Handbook is an excellent tool designed to communicate prevention strategies to parents, families, friends and citizens.
The following pages contain important information that can save lives and I encourage you to take the time to read through them thoroughly.
I congratulate NSW Police Legacy for its invaluable work and commitment to providing such a valuable resource to help protect the youngest members of our society.
Mike Baird MP
Premier of New South Wales

Foreword by NSW Commissioner of Police
Youth and vulnerability go hand in hand. Our children’s innocence, inexperience and uninhibited sense of adventure, the very qualities that we find most endearing, can sometimes combine to put them in harm’s way.
As parents, family and concerned citizens it is this knowledge that harm can come to children that should give us cause to examine what we can best do to help keep them safe.
To NSW Police Legacy’s great credit, its Child Safety Handbook responds in a practical way to the myriad dangers facing children, whether they be at home, school or out and about. Tips and information are provided for parents and ideas for children.
All importantly, the Handbook’s emphasis is on prevention. Our children are precious and all of us who live and work with them will find information in these pages that we can use to keep them out of trouble and safe.
This edition of the Child Safety Handbook, continues NSW Police Legacy’s tradition of community support. Its work, tireless and worthwhile, has the support of all police officers. Well done and thank you to NSW Policy Legacy and to the businesses that have supported this publication.
Andrew Scipione APM
NSW Commissioner of Police