Fire Safety

Escape Plan


Having a home escape plan in conjunction with a working smoke alarm will greatly increase your chances of getting out safely.
Every second counts.

Draw a floor plan of your home, including two ways of escape from each room. Plan an escape route and ensure everyone knows how to get out.

Blocked exits are a hazard. Keep exits clear.

Keep door and window keys in or next to locks so they can be opened easily.

Decide on a meeting place outside e.g. the letterbox.

Provide alternatives and someone to assist for anyone with a disability.

Escape Plan


When fire takes hold every second counts. In less than 30 seconds a small flame can get completely out of control and turn into a major fire.

Do you have an escape plan?

Every home should have a fire escape plan. Accidental home fires by their very nature can catch people unawares. Without an escape plan you are placing the lives of everybody in your home in jeopardy.
Learn how to plan your actions before a fire happens!

Create an Escape Plan

Download a PDF Template for your escape plan (PDF)

Example Escape Plan


Home fire escape plan – grid and instructions

The Fire & Rescue NSW has created a page that you can print, draw your escape plan on and when complete place somewhere prominent in your household to keep fresh in your mind (for example, on your fridge). Everyone in your household should discuss and agree about what actions should be taken if a fire was to occur.
Download and complete the home fire escape grid.

Home security and fire safety

Each year in NSW some residents encounter difficulties escaping from fires within their home due to security measures and may even perish as a result of the delay. We recommend a balance between home security and home safety. It is important to be able to lock intruders out, yet in the case of fire, just as important not to lock you or your family in.
Learn more about security measures that can impact on your escape from a fire.

Safe living in high rise buildings

Did you know that in the 2004/05 financial year the Fire & Rescue NSW responded to 1933 calls to residential buildings of 4 storeys and above.
Learn more about safe living in high rise buildings.




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